[NTLK] FW: Check register...

From: Michael S. Roels (msrwerks_at_ev1.net)
Date: Mon Sep 23 2002 - 16:00:55 PDT

Thanks! I will try Pocket Quicken out tonight. I have Pocket Money for Palm,
but it does not act the same on the Newton. Ok. The biggest hang up I have
with it on the Newton is that after you add an entry when the application is
running It does not return to the register view like it does on the palm.

Unless I am missing something somewhere to get it to do this.

On 9/23/02 5:41 PM, "Jeffrey M. Swiger" <N8NOE_at_Comcast.Net> pecked this out:

> Michael;
> I use pocketQuicken on the Newton and think its GREAT!.. It will sync
> to the Desktop version,
> and seems to do what ( At Least Myself ) I need to keep track of of the
> money. I looked at pocket Money, and its still supported, but the
> quicken did it for me.. I have used pocket Quicken on the Palm IIIC &
> PalmVx also.. So this might be a bit predjudice also..
> Look here and you can try them:
> http://www.unna.org/unna/applications/financial/
> There is also a pocketMoney to pocketQuicken or visa vera I think in
> Utilities....
> Jeff-N8NOE

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