Re: [NTLK] Any solutions for a dull screen?

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Wed Sep 25 2002 - 07:43:26 PDT

> Steve Tedder writes:
> I would rather make my point in a few words than edit other people's.
I realize you feel strongly about this, but consider another view: when
you quote other people's words in your posting, you are actually
repeating their words. So you're succinctly making your own point in a
few words, which is admirable, but you're also redundantly parroting
all the words of the person you're responding to. When the "From" line
says "Steve Tedder", you're responsible for all of what comes beneath.
So, perhaps you could think of it not as editing other peoples' words,
but being selective in what part of their comments you repeat in order
to make your own point.


Jeremy Bond SHEPHERD | Americans practice different faiths in
San Francisco, CA | churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. | And many good people practice no faith
Phone: 415-929-0297 | at all.
ICQ: 72267083 | -- George W. Bush, finally gets it right
AIM: jeremybondsf | in his Easter Address of 2002

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