From: Martin Baird (
Date: Wed Sep 25 2002 - 08:36:04 PDT
Thanks for your help.
Everything is set to store internally. I use the card to backup to
periodically. To Do Task Storage says that there are 2074 items taking up
467K internally, and 0 items taking up 1K on the card.
Do you have any other ideas?
Thanks again for your time & help.
> From: Peter Cameron <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 11:15:28 -0400
> To: NewtonTalk <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Simple Newton 2100 memory question
> Is your Newton set to store information internally or on the card?
> You have very little space (66K) left on the card and if ToDoCleaner is
> trying to use the card to sort your ToDos it may be running out of space.
> In extras check your ToDo Tasks store and see how much memory they're
> taking up. If it's more than about 30K on the card, I'd suspect that's the
> problem.
> You could try refiling the ToDos to internal, set the main store to
> internal and then try the cleaner again. If this works you could then file
> them back on the card and reset the default store to the card again.
> Peter
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