Re: [NTLK] (No To:

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Thu Sep 26 2002 - 07:49:07 PDT

I have hundreds of expansions. Most of my more
commonly mispelled words are in there. But! One of the
greatest tools is Adam Tow's Corrector+:
This allows you to set up rules based on common
misunderstandings between you and your Newt.
Another indespensible tool is Alt.rec This will
increase the capability of your Newt to recognize
words as well as increase your expansion list.
I find these two tools to make the Newton much easier
to use.
As to the verbs in the assist? I don't know if they
can be increased in number...
Ed (Happy October Fest!)
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new

--- John Charlton <> wrote:
> So am I. How do you do this? I often get a 'c'
> instead of an 'a', do I
> have to tell it each word or is there a 'check with
> a dictionary and if "a"
> makes more sense replace it' option. (Didn't see
> that in 'prefs')
> Regarding meetings and all, is it that hard to
> schedule a meeting with a
> Palm? :-) Assist is cool, must say. Any ways to
> extend it? New verbs?
> jc

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