Re: [NTLK] ATA Driver

From: Grant [Unterminated] Hutchinson (
Date: Fri Sep 27 2002 - 20:38:55 PDT

In a previous message, David Caolo typed vigorously:

>So I'm itchin' to try out the new ATA driver release candidate, but can't
>find a mention of supported microdrives. Anyone have luck yet? I'd hate to
>buy something that I couldn't use. Also, is this something I could find at
>Best Buy, or must I search Ebay, etc. Thanks

As far as I know, the only tested microdrive is a 170 MB IBM. Paul will
be compiling a full list of compatible ATA cards, including supported
microdrives, but probably not until after this weekend. He's running in
the Berlin Marathon you know...

You can find him in the starters list:



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