[NTLK] Drawbacks of C / C++ vs. Newtonscript?

From: J. Eagan Rackley (jrackley_at_electronicbingo.com)
Date: Sat Sep 28 2002 - 00:23:48 PDT

Hello All,

In coding for the newton I thought of a question that I was hoping one
of you gurus might answer for me.

Aside for the ease of using C++ / C with newton programs, is there a
benefit in doing so in regards to speed? Say, I have to continually call
a C loop over and over again to run a routine I need in my program. Will
this create more of a performance hit than just calling a newtonscript
routine over and over again (saying the routines performed similarly,
and assuming I'm just passing pointers to structs that would not need
any conversion/casting to a useable C type))?

I'm guessing that it is, but I was curious what you guys thought? Maybe not?

I guess what it boils down to is, if I am indeed concerned with speed,
would I be better off coding in newtonscript entirely / maybe some arm
ASM where needed) instead of using C / C++?

I don't want to traipse too far down one road only to find later that I
really should have taken the other.

Thanks very much in advance!

-Eagan Rackley

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