From: LA GREEN (
Date: Sat Sep 28 2002 - 22:22:59 PDT
OK i fianlly got a chance to try this out on my pc. i still get the -1
error code. has nayone else been succesful with this new setting?
>From: "Dan" <>
>Hello all,
>I would like to give a few pointers on NCU and a PC connection. First off
>in windows control panel go to system, device manager tab, click on the +
>next to the ports to open that. Then right click on your com port you are
>using with your newton and select properties. Now click on your port
>settings and set it to speed 38400, data bits 8, parity none, stop bits 1,
>flow control Xon/Xoff. Now hit the advanced button. Check the "Use FIFO
>buffers (uses 16550 compatible UART) and set those two sliders to the
>possible settings and then hit ok to close all the boxes you just changed.
>You may have to reboot (though I never did).
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