From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 08:48:00 PDT
There is also a NetHopper scheduler that works pretty
good. I don't remember where I got it, but it's on my
Newton site (see my tag line). The scheduler allows
you to grab pages and view them later on your newt. I
usually grab a bunch of pages before a flight and read
my Newt on the plane...
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new
--- Robert Benschop <> wrote:
> On dinsdag, apr 8, 2003, at 04:57 Europe/Amsterdam,
> Michael Burks wrote:
> > Does anyone here use Lunasuite, I was very
> interested in the ability to
> > download pages for offline browsing at a later
> time,
> NetHopper does this as well (tap on the overview
> dot) and I'm pretty
> sure that Newt's Cape also does it.
> BTW, Newt's Cape can even save the pages as newton
> Books!
> Robert Benschop
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