Re: [NTLK] Wireless screen from Apple?

From: Jens Baumeister (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 11:11:41 PDT

Am Montag, 14.04.03, um 19:50 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Joel M.

> Spotted this today:
> <>
If that device is truly coing, I hope they're wrong about the "no
battery" part. No matter whether it's home or business use - a device
that can transfer data wirelessly but needs to be plugged into an
outlet doesn't make much sense. Space shouldn't be an issue, either:
Take a 12' PB or iBook, cut away the space needed for the optical
drive, perhaps even use one of the small HDs found in the iPod and you
should easily be able to build a battery powered tablet with enough
oomph to run OS X. (Espec. since its smaller screen wouldn't drain as
much power as that of a PB.)


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