From: Jeff Abbott (
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 07:38:19 PDT
re Victor's excellent suggestion on cleaning a grit-munged stylus. Mark wrote:
> >> What's the best way to clean a stylus? Alcohol wipe? It seemed in the
>>> archives that some advocate that approach and others don't. I have
>>> cleaned off the tip thoroughly with lint-free fabric, but the grit
>>> persists. The stylus is the original to the MP2100.
>>You can use a *fine* emery board to smooth the scuff out of the stylus tip.
>>I've used this trick a few times on some styli with good results. Use the
>>finest board you can find, and be gentle and precice: try to target only the
> >area where the grit is, give it a few gentle swipes with the emery
>board, and
>>then check with your finger (or on your NuShield) to see if the grit is still
> >there.
>Victor's suggestion is probably the best way to resurrect a stylus tip.
>Even better would be to replace the tip entirely, or get a new stylus.
>For ca. $10, its probably worth it.
Victor's suggestion worked wonderfully--thank you, Victor. I used a
very fine emery buffer (provided by my wife, amused to see beauty
products applied to computer technology) and made a couple of
careful, gentle swipes on the problem part of the tip. This either
dislodged the grit or filed it down to irrelevance. I'm keeping a
careful eye on it, though, to see if the problem recurs.
That said, I've ordered a stylus from PDA Panache (I was worried my
stylus would become unusable) as a backup. And Mark, I was so glad I
had a NuShield in place--it took the bullet for my scratch-free
MP2100. As a precaution I removed the scratched-up NuShield (worried
that the numerous scratches might have "weakened" its ability to
protect) and replaced it with a fresh one. Great product.
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