From: Richard G. DAVIS (
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 16:57:58 PDT
Some observations/speculations.....
1. The Newton display is two distinct parts: the visible display system--an
LCD array, and optionally, a backlight; and a touch sensor system. One can
be operational independent of the other. Stopping the LCD driver does not
mean that the touch sensor system also must be inactive.
2. The Newton is distinct among digital computers in that the CPU can be
'stopped'. That is, the CPU clock frequency can be set to ZERO, or any
other frequency between zero and its maximum speed. This is especially
useful in portable battery powered systems like handheld and notebook
systems. Note, that long after the Newton appeared with a variable speed
CPU, the notebook PC world boasted about their '2-speed' energy saving
systems. The British designed ARM cpu was specifically chosen for the
Newton to gain the power saving advantages for which the ARM cpu was
expressly designed.
So, the Newton is never turned off, the CPU is just set to a zero clock
frequency. It is 'stalled' at a specific point in the CPU clock cycle.
This reduces power consumption to a MINIMUM, while preserving the precise
logical state of the entire system. "Turning on" the Newton isn't like
turning on a light bulb. Instead, it is more like releasing a 'brake',
permitting it to continue to roll 'down hill', so to speak. The Newton
doesn't sleep, it merely closes its 'eyes' and stops running in mid-stride.
The touch sensitive system on the Newton could be left 'active' while the
display is not. The display requires clocking pulses to organize the data
to be displayed on the LCD array. The touch system could detect 'contact'
anywhere on the surface without being able to determine the location in the
absence of clock pulses. So a "power-on" (sic) function on the Newton seems
straightforward, providing the Newton engineers made this a capability of
the machine. It appears that they did.
> From: Peter Cameron <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:15:55 -0400
> To: NewtonTalk <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Power-On utility for 2100?
> on 4/30/03 3:59 PM, Martin Joseph at wrote:
>> Thanks Peter, I stand corrected.
> Possibly not.
>> I had thought the the screen (touchscreen) was one of the items that was
>> powered down when the newt was sleeping.
> I think that's the normal state of affairs. I believe sleep screen
> doesn't really put your Newt in the sleep mode but leaves it in a state of
> being home but the lights aren't on. I'm not sure about this, but that'd be
> my guess.
> Peter
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