Re: [NTLK] Stylus has the "jigger"

From: Woody Smith (
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 16:09:58 PDT

Hi Richard

You have an unfortunate condition called the "Jaggies"
Can be caused by a number of things according to a variety of postings
on the subject. Check archives.
  "Parker, Doug" <> in Florida i think has a
remedy that he says has been successful a number of times. I have a
mild case and plan to attempt his cure.
Try cleaning between the screen and case on the latch side with a thin
plastic card. GENTLY pressing the screen to separate it from the lip
of the case gives me temporary relief.

Woody Smith

On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 03:08 PM, R. Mayrand wrote:

> Bonjour,
> I am now re-using my "old" newton 2100 after almost 5 years in the
> closet. I
> love it and wonder why I switched to Palm then. Fired it up and al my
> info
> where still there, quite exciting !
> I have a question for all knowledgeable person who wants to answer:
> Sometimes when I write the text appears to the left of where my stylus
> actually is or even to the right and more often, the text becomes all
> gibberish. Like my stylus has the jigger or something.
> What can be done about that ? Anybody experiences the same ? I use
> Grabace
> Collector to free some heap and re-align the pen, that helps sometimes
> sometimes not. Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Richard Mayrand

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