Re: [NTLK] [OT] FaxSFT (ex: Re: Addendum to Frank Gruendel's Fax story)

From: Michael Sciascia (
Date: Tue Aug 19 2003 - 07:22:04 PDT

On 19.08.2003 12:20 Paul Guyot wrote:

>In theory, you use FaxSTF by making sure it's added in the Print
>Center and then printing, selecting it in the list of printers.
>But, FaxSTF is probably the most hatred piece of software that comes
>with MacOS X. No one likes it, it's so pathetic. I might have been
>successful in sending one or two faxes with it, but how many
FaxSTF NEVER worked really well!
Around 10 years ago there was a Fax software by Apple that worked
flawlessly. i think it was called something like "Apple fax or modem"
>MacOS 10.2 users on French newsgroups prefer PageSender (I
>haven't tried it myself, it's a shareware) and Panther will come with
>a fax feature built-in (I read/heard).
Page sender is really good. I used a couple of times one of teh first
versions and I believe it also improved :-)

Panther fax capabilities are fine and working, already in the beta :-)
In final release should be even better !


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