Re: [NTLK] MP2100 (was: Question about OSX and the Newton 2100)

From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Thu Aug 28 2003 - 13:16:00 PDT

> Well thank you for all your help, and I am anxiously awaiting my
> Messagepad 2100 (it was sent away for repair :-))

It has been on its way towards the big apple (I think that's what
your village is called sometimes) since yesterday
morning 09:00 AM GMT.

Sent, by the way, from the same post office as the one
described in the story section of the site below. Same lady.
Getting serviced
was but a couple of minutes this time, but it took
about 20 minutes until it was my turn. With only two people being
serviced until me and my beloved lady were eye to eye again.
Believe it or not, a customer wanted stamps in a certain COLOR and
a specific SIZE with a specific postage value because he
wanted them to match the present that was in the parcel. Took quite
some time to find out that that wasn't possible. Then the customer
made concessions regarding the size (not the color) and they started
over again. Sometimes it would be nice if
this or that (like throwing hand grenades) wasn't against the


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