[NTLK] GPS Question.

From: Andre Garzia (soapdog_at_mac.com)
Date: Sun Aug 31 2003 - 21:45:41 PDT

Hi Folks,

I need to ask about couple questions. I remember someone talking about
an app called fieldworker that was used by archeologist doing
escavations and the like with aid of a gps. Well my uncle asked me if
the newton could be used to do some naval engineering tests, sorry that
I can't translate brazilian engineers lexicon to english. What he need
to do is go with the ship and stress test it taking coordinates and
taking notes of what happens.

Can someone tell me more about GPS and the newton, also tell me if we
can make programs to take advantadge of a gps card. I want to convince
my uncle to buy a newt and pay me to develop the tool!!! at this time
they are using a gps cadget and a notepad, I want to make it eletronic
and maybe use wireless network connection or email to send data to a
server. Can it be done? any hints?

Andre Alves Garzia  2003  BRAZIL

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