Re: [NTLK] $5 - 2mb flash cards

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 07:12:15 PST

On 06/02/03 09:53, "John Charlton" <> wrote:

> Do you have to brainwipe the Newton? I thought you could just copy the
> driver from the card to the internal store, then eject the card? Same on
> the receiving end. Correct me if I'm wrong, I hesitate to pronounce on
> things Newton with so many greater minds on the list.
> It would also be handy to send along a sheet describing how to get
> connected, since these are likely to be new users. I remember much
> fiddling, a little hazy on the details, but it finally worked like a charm.
> Another thing these cards could have are some of the 'must have' utilities.
> 'Styles' button, Hilite2k, that sort of stuff that we all find so useful.
> Perhaps at the discretion of the loaner.
> jc
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 06:16 , Peter Cameron wrote:
>> I did the ethernet/NIE thing for another list member a while ago with
>> a
>> 2MB card. You have to install all the drivers (make sure they can tell you
>> what ethernet card they plan to use) etc. on a clean Newton (just
>> brainwiped) and then back it up to the card. The recipient of the card
>> then
>> restores the card to his/her Newton. This of course wipes it clean, but
>> they
>> can then connect via ethernet and install what they need from there. It
>> works well.

If the drivers are stored as a backup on the card, then I think yes, if you
try to restore the backup, the internal store or the external card,
depending where you're restoring the backup, will be completely replaced
with the backup. The reason is that you can't have a package by one name on
the internal store and have another package by the same name on the card.
However, I think that once you have the drivers on the card, you could maybe
try to freeze them. Duplicating is always tricky for the reason I mentioned
above. Using some utility like SBM Utilities, I think you could workaround
this problem...


Laurent Daudelin                    Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae                   Washington, DC, USA
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