Re: [NTLK] Utilities, Applications

From: Karel Jansens (
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 02:58:53 PST

On Wednesday 12 February 2003 04:18, Rhonda Hyslop wrote:
> * Karel Jansens <> [11 Feb 2003 15:38]:
> > On Tuesday 11 February 2003 03:39, Rhonda Hyslop wrote:
> > > 4. Speak Text/MacInTalk: this really freaks some people out, but I
> > > find it very useful to have my newton speak the text of a meeting or
> > > todo alarm right after the alarm sound itself. (Which, incidentally,
> > > I have set to "bingely-bingely-beep!" ;-) Can you spot the
> > > reference?)
> >
> > That's not very nice, insert-name-here; there are no demons in any
> > Newton.
> The Newton has a much better memory, too.
> However, it is the canonical "bingely-bingely-beep" as uttered by Mr.
> Pratchett himself, so I couldn't pass it up.

Yes, I know. The famous (or infamous?) Dis-Organiser(*). Last I read of it,
it was dis-organizing some poor hapless shark's life.

(*) I wonder if Terry really intended that subtle pun, with 'Dis' referring
to both the way the organizer seems to operate and to the legendary city
of demons, Dis.

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