Re: [NTLK] bookmaker-patch

From: Anton Balaban (
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 11:07:39 PST

"" <> wrote:

> Has anyone figured out how to hack the Newton Book Maker book sizes on
> ?=20

Yes, but it's a bit complicated. You have to change some values in
Bookmaker output file (.f) before compiling it with NTK. And in order to
make Bookmaker put correct amount of text per page (obviously mp2x00 screen
can accomodate more text than mp130) you need to use a modified font -
basically take Geneva 20 and change it's reported size to 24 with ResEdit.
It's better to use a special control panel that substitutes normal Geneva
font with a modified one on the fly _only_ for Bookmaker, leaving all the
other applications with unmodified Geneva. There's also going to be a mess
with book's TOC with this setup, so it's better to start each chapter with
new page (.startspage tag in Bookmaker or something similar) or not use the
TOC at all. I can dig more accurate info on this subject if you still wish
to mess with bookmaker and provide you with mentioned font and control


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