Re: [NTLK] problem syncing Newton with Palm

From: Jeff Abbott (
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 09:08:56 PST

At 8:26 PM -0800 2/16/03, Darrell Greenwood wrote:
>One thing I found is you have to quit completely the Palm Desktop app
>so it doesn't block access by the NCU app (you may think Palm Desktop
>doesn't have the file open, but it does have). Another thing I found
>was I had to significantly increase the memory allotment of all
>involved apps, Palm Desktop, NCU, and the weirdly named one, COrgAE2.
>A couple of URLs that may help

Hi Darrell:

Thanks for the tips. I followed them (as well as the tutorial), but
am still unable to synchronize my Newton to my Palm Desktop. Here's
more detail, if Darrell or anyone has further suggestions:

The Palm file I want to synchronize with is 363K.
I dramatically upped memory on the following apps:
Palm Desktop
        sugg 3500K
        min 20000K
        pref 400000K (not a typo)
        sugg 4000K
        min 40000K
        pref 800000K
        sugg 1024K
        min 20000K
        pref 400000K

The exciting new error message I now get when starting synchronize
from my iMac says:
Unrecoverable error--insufficient memory to proceed.

I even tried to sync just one thing (eg, Dates, Names, etc.) at a
time, and it still failed due to insufficient memory. I'm running OS
9.2.2 on a 333mhz iMac with 96 MB of memory.

I'm sort of staggered that I could up the memory allocation this
amount and this is still failing. I must be doing something
else wrong, right? Any further suggestions or guidance would be most


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