From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Sat Feb 22 2003 - 09:50:16 PST
Quoting Karel Jansens <>:
> I'm mostly working from memory here, so apologies for any unintended
> slipups.
> You have to install a package on the Newton, IIRC it's called
> "ser115200.pkg" (there is even a "ser230400.pkg", but I've never tried
> that speed.
Yeah. These packages and the source are in the UnixNPI tarball:
> Next step is editing the .unixnpi.rc file (which you should have copied to
> your /home directory at installation, as the readme file says) and change
> the line "speed=xxxxxx" to the appropriate speed.
I don't think the latest version of UnixNPI use that file anymore. Instead,
the -s command-line option specifies the speed, like this:
$ unixnpi -s 57600 -d /dev/ttyS0 file_to_install.pkg
> You also need to set up a port, but that can easily be done by creating a
> symbolic link /dev/newton, pointing to /dev/ttySx (whatever the serial
> port is you hook your Newton on).
Also now a command-line option, -d. See my example above.
-- Victor Rehorst - - NewtonTalk list administrator - Will the last person to leave the platform please turn off the backlight? -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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