From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 13:49:00 PST
Il me semble que le 28/2/03 à 18:19 +0100, Heiko Cultus nous racontait:
>FYI: I have a German Newton 2100. Connected is the Newton via Lucent
>Silver WLan Cards with my TFT-iMac.
>First I have installed Dock TCP/IP 1.0 with Ethernet and Delivery, No
>Then I have tried Thomas Tempelton TCP/IP with the IP-Address of my
>iMac on the Newton side and Delivery using RendezVous, No Problems.
>When I choose connect with TCP/IP(->Pref->Manual settings->IP from My
>Newton/Port3679) on the Newton I can install Packages, too.
>Only with TCP/IP(->Pref->ZeroConf) I can not install packages.
Delivery in RendezVous mode is just like Delivery in BSD Sockets with
RendezVous service registration. We provided both because we wanted
to exhibit the communication layers that work. But RendezVous is in
fact just built on top of BSD Sockets. We also have OpenTransport,
but it doesn't work that well on MacOS X yet.
>The "choose a server" window is there, but no Mac to choose.
>After a while, a message appears: " cannot find server"Wakko.local"
Apparently, the problem is strictly limited to ZeroConf/RendezVous.
It's not really where we expected issues.
You normally should have a program called tcpdump on MacOS X. I
suppose that you have a single active interface on your Mac (i.e.
Could you please run in a terminal:
sudo tcpdump dst port 5353 or src port 5353
Then please start Delivery in RendezVous mode.
You should see several lines appearing just when you click.
Finally, start the browser on the Newton. Can you see any line
appearing in the terminal window?
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