Re: [NTLK] wireless newton...HELP!!!...addendum...addendum

From: Paul Miller (
Date: Sat Jan 18 2003 - 05:05:03 EST

Last time I wrote:

> I'm not sure what happened but after I hard reset my
> airport station I could recognize it in Airport
> Admin
> Utility, then changed the name of the
> basestation/password/dissabled WEP then downloaded
> Airport software 2.1.1 and AIrport Firmware 4.0.7,
> reset everything and....
> YAHOO!!!!! It works! the newton logs on and I can
> surf! (little slow, though)

So I found out that is WEP activation (from my iBook
to the base station) that kills the Newton connection.
 The Farallon Skyline card can connect at WEP40 (works
well with my Apple TAM) but stalls the Newton at
"connecting". I found out when I re-activated WEP
thru the Airport Admin Utility.


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