Re: [NTLK] Gratuitous Backdrop Image Question

From: Woody (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 11:24:15 PST

Marco Mailand wrote:

>"Sonya Hipper" wrote @ 26.1.2003 19:04 Uhr / <>:
>>... but Newton Press would only support 1-bit color depth
>I wanted to write: Go to Newton Press 1.1 prefs and set the platform to
>MP2000 portrait, as I remember how this worked. But after checking I found
>that there was only one selection in the pull-down menu - classic. That's
>just wrong and I think the other choices disappeared with MacOS9.x. Anyone
>else on this? I didn't reinstall NP1.1 now because it leaves a lot of dirt
>in the system folder, like old AppleScript libraries and doublets of modem
>tools with different names from the german MacOS, etc.

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