Re: [NTLK] Fwd: Five years and going strong!

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 06:09:40 PST

on 1/28/03 8:18 AM, John Charlton at wrote:

> Arrgh, and now eCartis didn't like the excess forwarded text. Try one more
> time...
> Hmm, this didn't seem to make it through?

Actually it made it through just fine the initial time. The time on the
original message was 11:35 PM (East Coast US) last night. So there was
never any need to forward your own message, thereby starting a new thread.
If you're not seeing ANY of your own posts, there's clearly a problem and
you ought to consult with this list archive -- I distinctly recall one or
two have had that problem once-upon-a-time. The other thing to remember is
that mailing lists aren't always instantaneous. Worse, the messages
sometimes don't even come in order -- I occasionally see a message quoting
an earlier one, then hours later I get the one that starts the thread. This
hasn't happened a lot lately, but it does happen from time to time.

- Eric.

Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^
The odds are greatly against you being immensely smarter than everyone
else in the field. If your analysis says your terminal velocity is
twice the speed of light, you may have invented warp drive, but the
chances are a lot better that you've screwed up.
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