Re: [NTLK] NewtSync - 10.2.3 - Oh, pkg?

From: Newtvana (
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 08:27:35 PST

I ended up writing quite a bit here. Can someone post this to the Wiki?
(Victor, could you add the Wiki's URL to the list's footers?

> Well, I downloaded NewtSync on my TiBook -- OS 10.2.3. I launched
> NewtSync and selected the CONNECT button and realized I do not have
> the NewtSync pkg on the Newton. Does a OSX version of similar to NCU
> exists?

Although NCU works under Jaguar Mac OS X (10.2.x), it runs in Classic
mode and you must have Classic installed to run it. AppleTalk must be
enabled as well. There is no Native (Carbon or Cocoa) version of NCU.

> If not, would do you all recommend for me to setup the TiBook with OS
> 10.2.3 to transfer pkgs, perform backups, and etc?

There is no Carbon-ized or Cocoa based software for Backups.

Package Transfer can be accomplished through the following Carbon/Cocoa

        Newten (Requires usb/serial adapter):

        PkgInstall-MacOSX (Command line utility):
        However this requires that you have transferred the "TCP/IP Transport"
pkg on the Newton if you want to use it.
        (Chicken/Egg issue)

Package Transfer can be accomplished through the following Classic

        Newton Connection Utilities (
        The Original software. Get it from UNNA.

        Newton Data Browser (aka. Newton DIL Tester):
        Can use a USB/Serial connection, IrDA, AppleTalk

Other Options:
        E-mail a Package to your Newton (SimpleMail, EnRoute, Eudora)
        Download it via the Web (NetHopper, NewtsCape, LunaSuite)
        (Chicken/Egg issue, they require NIE and of course the Email or Web
packages installed.)

Looking forward, our best bets for a OSX native Package Transfer /
Backup system is either

        * from someone updating the Newton Data Browser (aka. Newton DIL
Tester) to Carbon libraries
        * John Anderson extending NewtSync to provide this function
        * someone writing a plug-in for NewtSync.


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