Re: [NTLK] Lantern, Get_Card_Info.pkg & IBM Ethernet Credit Card II

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 22:07:41 PST

À (At) 0:39 -0500 31/01/03, écrivait (wrote) :
>a) what are the implications of the above - the
> error about it being a memory card and the
> need to ParseUnrecognizedCard() in Paul's pkg?
> - am I needing another component in addition
> to the driver to get the card recognized?

The system isn't able to parse the CIS properly, so it asks
individual card handlers to parse it themselves.

>b) I'm not clear on how the CIS info is mapped to
> finding the right driver package. (do the
> "Project Data" file's constants play any part
> in this? ) (or put another way, what is the
> minimum required to get a card even recognized
> forgetting about actually working for a moment.)

Lantern card handler looks for the card manufacturer and product
strings (maybe just the latter) into RecognizedCard method and
compares it with lantern drivers values. These drivers are usually
based on the same template and they register the constants you found.

>c) is there a definitive explanation anywhere of
> the what each of the NIE2.0 pkgs does

The card handler is "Newton Devices" package. It is a complete driver
manager and drivers for it come on top of it (they're not card
handlers, hence they don't have a RecognizeCard method for example).
This package also provides Ethertalk services.
This package can be accessed by sending events to drivers. You can
send individual ethernet frames like this, know which driver is
activated in which slot and so on.

NIE Ethernet Module plugs Newton Devices into NIE. This is only for Internet.

>and why
> for at least one of the ethernet drivers out
> there someone wrote a replacement "Newton Devices"?

The only one I know also comes with a replacement for NIE. And I
think it's because Lantern didn't exist then.

I don't think forcing the Newton to recognize the card would be easy.
If you're lucky, you might be able to write a card handler (like
GetCardInfo) and fill in the CIS data. Maybe in that case the system
will call RecognizeCard method and therefore Lantern will be able to
recognize the card. But that's quite doubtful.

If you want to play in that field, you definitely need Hammer debugger.


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