Re: [NTLK] Backlight and touch screens

From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Sat Jul 05 2003 - 11:24:09 PDT

> The backlight in my Newton 2100 is nearing its end.
> From what I've been following, a replacement for the
> lighting element is not too difficult and would give
> new life to my old friend.

> Is it possible to replace the screen
> itself or in replacing the backlight would it be possible
> to remove the glass screen itself have it polished to
> remove the scuffs and minor scratches?

See to get a
general idea of how the display unit is built. The 2x00
displays are built as the 130's described there with the
exception that the backlight foil can be replaced without
destroying everything.

To polish the display you wouldn't have to remove the glass.
The scratches aren't in the glass, but in the touchscreen
foil. I have used polish paste on my every-day-Newton with
good success. I turned a display that was unusable into one
that is fairly good. The down side of this treatment is that
the polishing paste removes some or most of the antireflective
coating on the touchscreen foil. Personally I consider this an
advantage because the contrast gets better, but this is only
because I use this Newton mostly indoors, usually when it is
pitch dark outside, so I don't have too many reflections on
the display anyway.

If you are interested in a display which has undergone this
treatment, or if you are interested in the backlight alone,
let me know, maybe we can work something out.
From your address I assume you are somewhere in Danmark, so
shipping from Germany should be reasonably fast and cheap.

You are probably aware of this page, but just in case you aren't,
see for disassembly


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