Re: [NTLK] Newton article, "Happy Birthday, Newton!"

From: Grant Hutchinson (
Date: Sat Jul 05 2003 - 16:14:04 PDT

In a previous message, Robert Velarde typed vigorously:

>>If you'd like to have the article mirrored on the Newted Community site,
>>just let me know. I'm sure I could find a bit of room in the Soupbox
>Yes, feel free to mirror my article. Thanks.

Thanks Robert. I think the more opportunities people have to read and
access it, the better. This is a fairly significant anniversary
(birthday) coming up! I'll try to have the article posted this weekend.

>>Newton User Madness (NUM) will be
>>added to the next version of the Newton Glossary.
>Wow, I'm honored that the term "Newton User Madness (NUM)" will be added to
>the next Newton Glossary. Glad I could mention your Stowaway keyboard
>project, too. You definitely have NUM! ;-)

I'm positively numb with NUM.



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