From: Larry Zasitko (
Date: Fri Jul 11 2003 - 13:20:09 PDT
If it is still available I will take it....
You did not post your email so hope you see this soon
Larry Zasitko
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of matthew
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 12:29 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Emate for sale
I have an emate for sale. I bought it locally here in Grand Rapids a few
months ago with grand ambitions of using it instead of a laptop. That didn't
happen. I like my laptop too much, and I find my MP2100 useful for
everything else.
So I'm selling it off. I had the battery rebuilt by batteries plus, and it
holds a great charge (like new, several days of use was all this unit got
under my ownership, and I didn;t need tor echarge it after that. Still had a
strong sharge. No memory expansion card, sorry folks. Just plain jane.
The hinges haven't popped yet, and the touchscreen works just great. There
is no resistance in the hinges. I had planned on making the modification to
protect the ribbon cable, but I'm moving soon and need to move stuff I just
won't use.
Comes with the original stylus and rebuilt battery pack. No AC adapter. It
works fine off both the 7w and 9w adapters, but I use those for my MP so I
cannot get rid of them.
I've got $75 into this beauty. You can check my eBay feedback (all +s, no
negs or neutrals), my ID is olddirtyvegan. Anyone interested for $75.00 plus
shipping via UPS ground from 49424, Michigan, USA? I can take Paypal or
money orders if you mail them quickly. Sorry, I'd prefer no overseas orders.
I may be coerced into A Canadian sale if I have no Domestic buyers. I'm
moving across the country in 4 weeks and I have precious little time to run
to the post office./ I can ship things from my desk at work, however. :)
Please email me off list is you are interested. I am in digest mode.
Matthew Reidsma
Reidsrow Omnimedia Networks
+world domination tomorrow+
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