From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Sun Jul 13 2003 - 14:12:20 PDT
> I have found batteries that are small enough to fit into a cut-out in
> the cover of a newton. They are made by Samsung. Here's the blurb: The
> battery stores about 355 watt hours in a space of a 2.8mm-thin,
> 34mm-wide and 58mm-high pack. I don't know anything about battery
> so can someone tell me wether this could be used to run a Newton.
This would mainly depend on the voltage they put out. If they put out
about 6 Volt, you probably could. But, frankly, I can't believe this
specs can be true. Assuming a 6 Volt battery (and 360 instead of 355
hours to make calculation a bit easier), this would mean 60 Ah or
60.000 mAh or about 30 times more than what state of the art NiMH cells
would be able to deliver these days.
Unless one of the four brain cells in which my remaining knowledge of
mathematics is stored is on vacation, that is.
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