Re: [NTLK] Package types not recognized by NCU

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Jul 14 2003 - 02:03:18 PDT

Il me semble que le 14/07/03 à 15:40 +0700, Glen Swanson nous racontait:
>Having failed to get AppleTalk to work under OSX I'm moving on to other
>I'm now having trouble trying to get the package types to convert to the
>format that NCU can recognize. In both OS9 and OSX, the packages are
>incorrect and I can't seem to fix them with the PackType utility. I've tried
>downloading it from different sources and running it in both OSs, but still
>no luck. Any ideas on how I could have Newton packages reassigned their
>correct values so that they can be seen as NCU packages and not Macintosh

You have several methods.
- command line with SetFile if you have the developer tools installed.
- general purpose utilities like FileBuddy
- Michael Vacìk's Packager, the OS X equivalent of PackType.
- use a smart tool like Escale that automatically detects if a
package is a Newton package (same technology is to be found in
Packager v2.0).

I know and I confirm there are TCP/IP issues with Escale when the
Newton connects to the Internet through the Mac (I'll solve it later
when I'll be able to grasp the time to do it), but AppleTalk should
work unless you've got an Airport Extreme base station.


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