From: Jim Witte (
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 10:06:34 PDT
Okay, since this OT thread has refused to die (hmm, should I make an
allusion to Nazis to make this thread die - according to some Law of
the Usenet I ran across once? Nah, there's the caveat to that rule
that if a person purposely tries to make a thread degenerate into some
trivial reference to Nazism in order to kill the thread, it will not
Anyway, since this thread refuses to die.. Don't assume *anything*
when trying to discuss electronic copyrights (or patents), or even
traditional copyrights for that matter. But you're right - it
shouldn't matter. However, as a matter of US law (only US for now, but
see foreboding Slashdot article recently), if the book is encrypted, by
ANYTHING (including ROT13 allegedly), if you break the encryption to
read it on another platform, even if you own the book, your can be
thrown in the clink under the auspices of the DMCA. Heck, you might
even by labeled an "Internet Terrorist" and held incommunicado for an
indefinite period of time God-knows-where, under the auspices of the
Patriot Act. Isn't US law and justice great?
However, if you read a encrypted book by emulating the processor and
software used to read it, I'm not sure that would count...
> (I don't think the type of viewing platform matters in copyright law,
> so long as you purchased the ebook you're viewing)
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