Re: [NTLK] PowerTrans Language application for Newton

From: Joel M. Sciamma (
Date: Thu Jul 24 2003 - 15:33:33 PDT


> I wish that were true. I've tried contacting them going on 5 months
> now. No response.

OK, That's not so good.

I went back and had a look at the messages I sent in Mar 2001 when I ordered
a couple of copies and used the following address: <>
for Frank Wegener. This is the same one that appears on the site.

I didn't want to send monies using the non-secure form on the site so I sent
a fax with the same info.

The reply to my original query took one day and serials were returned 5 days
after my order which included the Newton ID codes and owner names. Serials
are tied to Owner Name.

Are you trying to use v 3.2.2?


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