From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Jul 24 2003 - 22:45:29 PDT
Il me semble que le 25/07/03 à 6:32 +0100, Paul Vaughan nous racontait:
>Does anybody know what this means, and how to correct
>the problem?
It seems, but I'm not sure, that somehow you got SimpleMail to do
APOP while your server obviously doesn't support it. This is weird
since normally a server advertises that it does APOP, and SimpleMail
should detect it, while your server just says +OK Netscape Messaging
Multiplexor ready instead of the usual string when it does APOP
Anyway, if SimpleMail doesn't detect APOP, there surely is an option
to disable it. Try unchecking the Authenticate check box next to Set
Password button in the SimpleMail settings for your account. It might
fix the problem.
FYI, APOP is better than POP because your password is not send in
clear. A regular POP session is:
<+OK server ready
>USER login
<+OK password required
>PASS password
while an APOP session is:
<+OK <challenge>
>APOP login hash-of-challenge-plus-password
But APOP has a big drawback. Both machines must have the password in
clear, so your password should be in clear on the mail server,
instead of having just a hash of it.
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