From: Michael Burks (
Date: Sat Jul 26 2003 - 12:52:51 PDT
This almost answers my question, the last thing I need to know is . . . do I
use SetValue to change the icon, and if so, how do I add the new icon to the
>In the first case, the question is just: how do I programmatically
>change the picture of an object based on protoPictureButton.
>And the answer is: changing the icon slot and then call RedoChildren
>does the trick.
>Now, for changing when the button is being pressed (i.e. while you
>hold the pen, instead of system's default hilite) is a little bit
>more tricky. I would suggest to not go protoPictureButton but instead
>use a clPictureView you have access to.
>The rational is that (I think) protoPictureButton is itself a complex
>structure. That's why RedoChildren does the trick: it's made of the
>frame and the picture.
>So, you'll change the picture of this clPictureView in the
>viewClickScript method. Then you'll ask the picture to redraw itself
>by dirting it. NewtonOS normally only redraw stuff at the end of the
>event loop. There is a trick to force it to do it. Check the Q&As:
>>2. I understand how to hilite a button viewName:hilite(), but when I
>>try to change the hilite from one button to another (by calling hilite()
>>twice, once to turn off the originally hilited button, and twice to hilite
>>the newly pressed button), it won't hilite the newly pressed button.
>Why do you call it twice?
I want to have a button hilite when it is clicked, only until another button
is clicked. Then I want the un-hilite the old button, and hilite the newly
clicked button. I had to call it two times, once for each button. I am
unable to figure out how a button can be clicked and remain hilited. I can
hilite other objects but not itself.
>>I keep programming (in my free time) simple games for the Newton, things I
>>know that my friends and I would enjoy, and now I'm stuck.
>It's ok, you knocked at the right door. There is a mailing list for
>developers at yahoo but it's quiet or maybe even dead. There is also
>a newsgroup for developers called comp.sys.newton.programmer. Several
>developers scan it for helping people and there is little traffic.
>Just in case you'd feel bad about posting such questions on
>Nobody codes on the Newton for a living.
Not only do I not code I just sell books at Borders, that and be in love
with my High school sweetheart, the Apple Newton. Couldn't have one then,
but I certainly have one now. What I was going to do is start up a new
Yahoo club, write up a few tutorials for Newton programming, pictures
step-by-step guides. I'm not the most qualified person, but I feel that I
have enough love for my Original green tablet that I could at least try.
>Why can't we test all these? ;)
And if anyone would like to test these I did start the yahoo group, mostly
so I can access my programming from my house and my girlfriends place. You
can visit it at you can
download the few works in progress from there, and check out the database
for projects that I have on the horizon. I owe most of the tech docs that I
have posted to Roger Milne, a gracious and kind Newton user.
Thanks for your help so far, it's been very prompt and useful. So, how do I
reference those icons?
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