[NTLK] [announce] This Old Newt Update , June

From: rich_at_thisoldnewt.net
Date: Sun Jun 08 2003 - 17:09:11 PDT

I'd like to announce a major update to This Old Newt. And introduce it to
the manyNuBs on the list.

We think that This Old Newt is the longest running continuously updated
NewtonSite on the www :) ( we will claim that and copyright it anyway )

We have had a hard time over the last handfull of months. First we moved.
Lets saythat task was like Mt. Everest. Then we had a problem with our host. Then
a problemwith our iMacs Hard Drive and what was backed up was not my hobby web
sites :)
But we finally have settled to some normal schedule and have done some needed

First of all our interviews will be put on hold until the fall. But we are
looking fowardto a new twist to this favorite feature. We also promise another Newton
Contest andWe will host the 2003 Newtie Awards.

Here is our update list and ta do list:

The son of Ultimate Newton Links page:
After not being able to get our old script working we searched and settled
on a newscript and format. New is the opportunity for the community to rate their
favorite linksand leave comments. We have about 1/4 of our links manually entered. It
will take ussome time to finish. We hope to have it done by the end of June. Readers,
developers, webmasters are all invited to submit your own sites. We
created anUNNA Index catagory. This is for anyone to enter a discription of any file
at UNNA,rate the software and link.

New forums:
We installed a forum to host our hints and tips. Readers are welcome to
add theirown words of Newt Wisdom here.
Also the "Newton Swap Meet" Buy and Sell posts are moved here.
We would like to invite all NTLK members to use the new " NTLK Off Topic
Tactile Sales:
We are proud to host Anthony Velascos Tactile sales page. Most of those great
Tactile titles are available due to the hard work of Anthony.

We are a proud host of the Newton FAQ. The most recent FAQ will be posted
soon.The FAQ is searchable via our search page.

Newton Web Ring:
We are the host and Admin for the Newton Web Ring. IS your site part of
the ring?
Keeping the pulse of Newton Market. Too be updated soon.

Newton News:
we post and archive the most important News via this Blog.

Newton TIL
The Tech Info Library, in searchable format.

Newtie Awards:
Annual awards for the best of the Newton Community

our small collection of Newton Books, refrences and the Brooke Burke Back
Keep the Green (that is our trade mark)
This Old Newt
The swiss army newton site

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Mon Jun 09 2003 - 11:30:00 PDT