[NTLK] [ANN] Newton Print Server v0.1

From: Vlad Rahkoy (vlad_at_spaceship.com)
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 17:57:20 PDT

Hello all,

I'd like to announce the release of Newton Print Server v0.1

The Newton Print Server is a generic printer driver/proxy for the Newton.
It was created mostly to solve my own problem of not cluttering my office
with old printers in order to print directly from my Newton MP2100.

This release was only tested on WinXP and a HP PhotoSmart 7150 printer.
I'd like experienced users to test printing on different platforms and

-Vlad Rahkoy

All of the information below and downloads can be found at the following

Newton Print Server version 0.1 - Generic printer driver for the Newton

The Newton Print Server is a generic printer driver for the newton. It
consists of a client implemented as a printer driver on the newton and a
server implemented as a Java program running on a Java enabled platform
that supports printing. Currently, the newton printer driver is
implemented as 300x300 DPI serial dot matrix printer. The newton is
connected to the server via a serial port. A print request on the Newton
triggers a serial connection to the server machine and a transfer of print
data to the server. The server then adjusts the print data for printing
based on the target printer properties and sends the print job to the
printer. Future releases will include support for TCP/IP printing.

A couple quick notes about this release:

Java's printing API doesn't support setting the resolution on some
printers. Even though the Newton driver supports 300x300 DPI this may be
scaled down to the default 72x72 DPI of the Java printing API. Future
versions will support manual setting of printer resolution

The print server uses a significant amount of memory. Each page image take
up about 7.2 megs.

Currently the server has very little state recovery logic. Unplugging the
serial cable in the middle of a transfer will hang the server

Installation Instructions

* Java 1.4 enabled platform for server
* 32 MB of memory for Java virtual machine
* Serial port capable of 57600

Installation Instructions

On the newton simply install the GenericPrinterDriver.pkg package.
NOTE: This printer driver has only been tested on a MP 2100


1. If Java 1.4 is not installed on your system. Install the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) 1.4 from JavaSoft. Found here:
2. Download and unzip the NewtonPrintServer_win32.zip archive to a
directory where you would like to install the server.
3. In the "rxtx" directory of the archive unzip the SunComm20.zip archive
and install the files within as follows
  1. copy win32com.dll to %JAVA_HOME%\bin (%JAVA_HOME% is the folder where
  JRE is installed on your system; e.g. c:\Program
  2. copy comm.jar to %JAVA_HOME%\lib\ext
  3. copy javax.comm.properties to %JAVA_HOME%\lib.
4. Double click on the NewtPrintServer.exe file to launch the server


NOTE: The following instructions have not been tested as my Mac
development system consists of a PPC 7500/100 with dual 604e expansion
board purchased for $50 USD from a computer junkyard and running System
7.5.5 downloaded from Apple. Feed back on the following instructions would
be greatly appreciated.

1. If Java 1.4 is not installed on your system. Install the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) 1.4 from Apple. Found here: http://www.apple.com/java/
2. Download and unzip the NewtonPrintServer_osx.sit archive to a directory
where you would like to install the server.
3. In the "rxtx" directory of the archive run the package installer for
Java's communications port API "RXTX.pkg.sit.hqx". This package allows
Java to use the serial ports on a OS X
4. Double click on NewtonPrintServer.jar this should launch the server.
NOTE: The server requires 32 megs of memory to be available to the JVM or
printing will fail with a out of memory exception this can specified on
the command line as "-Xms32m -Xmx128m" but I do not understand how to do
this under OS X except in a term window.


1. If Java 1.4 is not installed on your system. Install the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) 1.4 from JavaSoft. Found here:
2. Download and unzip the NewtonPrintServer_linux.tar.gz archive to a
directory where you would like to install the server.
3. In the "rxtx" directory of the archive extract the rxtx-2.0-5.tar.gz
archive and install the rxtx Java communications API library as follows:
  1. copy librxtxSerial.so to %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/i386, (%JAVA_HOME% is
  the folder where JRE is installed on your system; e.g.
  2. copy comm.jar to %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/ext
  3. copy jcl.jar to %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/ext
  4. copy javax.comm.properties to %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib
4. Execute the NewtPrintServer or execute "java -jar -Xms32m -Xmx128m

This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/

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