Re: [NTLK] beaming EnRoute

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Sat Mar 01 2003 - 04:12:39 PST

on 01-03-2003 9:57, Nancy Birnes at wrote:

> I have one 8 meg card in the 2100 that is read-only in the eMate, so
> that's why I have to depend on beaming -- I can't write to the card. I'm
> hoping it's only this card, and that I can find some made especially for
> the eMate. I want to put lots of ebooks into the machine.

What you need for the eMate is a 5v read/5v write card. ('normal' Newton
flash cards are 5v/12v) Not so easy to find these days :-(

Robert Benschop

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