From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 04:41:17 PST
on 03-03-2003 1:30, David-Michael Cook at wrote:
> Alright, thanks all--if no one's got one they'd like to sell, I guess
> $35 is probably a decent deal. I'll look into other serial adapters as
> well.
Take care that the dongle is the only adapter that gives the 2x00 a serial
connection, much better and faster connection option to a Mac is Ethernet,
but you'll still need something or somebody else to get the Ethernet
driver(s) end NIE2 into your Newt...
> And my other question: I'm starting to become seriously addicted to
> this thing. One problem, though--is there any way to print? My school
> has a relatively recent hp laserjet with infrared, and at home I have
> an Epson 820 with parallel port... any way to get my Newton to address
> these machines?
2x00 Newt print to just about any HP with infrared IIRC but you might want
to get the extra drivers (should be on also here printing over
Ethernet might be an option. (especially if the infrared doesn't pan out ;-)
For the Epson you'll need the PrintPack, an adapter cable, Apple serial one
side (so it connect to your 2x00 through your dongle, parallel on the other
Robert Benschop
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