Re: [NTLK] Thanks for the input folks was Re: Contest at This Old Newt is over

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 01:34:36 PST

on 04-03-2003 10:26, Chris Searles at wrote:

> What I didn't like about the contest is that you had to be a TOTAL Newton
> guru to be able to answer the questions. What's the use of trying to promote
> the platform when at the same time you limit yourselves to the small group
> of experts who have been using the Newt since its inception?

Though the contest was definitely harder this year I wouldn't agree with
that assessment, all answer were on the web, healthy use of Google and the
This Old Newt archives would yield most of them quite easily.
I've been around in the Newton world for a while and found out quite a few
things looking for the answers that I had never known before (like I found
it interesting that Hardy Macia was politically active, don't think anybody
knew this before)

Robert Benschop

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