From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 13:58:24 PST
On 04/03/03 16:26, "David-Michael Cook" <> wrote:
> Despite the fact that I've got a keyboard I'd eventually like to use
> (therefore I eventually need a dongle) I just don't have the money to
> shell out for a dongle + serial adapter right this moment, so it looks
> like Ethernet is a better, faster, easier method. Sounds awesome.
> Only one problem--I need the Ethernet drivers on my Newt, of course,
> before the Ethernet will work. I need to get the Ethernet card to get
> the drivers on the Newt.
> Chicken-and-egg, I know.. but is there any way to get around this? Can
> someone tell me what would be a good PCMCIA ethernet card, and how I
> can get the drivers for it? Thanks, all.. this list is becoming more
> helpful every day!!
If you already have some of the "Newton Internet Enabler" components, like
the modem access, you could download those Ethernet-specific drivers from a
web site to your Newton (assuming you would have access to a dialup kind of
If you don't have any NIE component or don't have a dialup access, then the
next thing would be to try to find another Newton user in your area that
could install those drivers for you on a shared flash RAM card so that you
could install those drivers on your Newton.
Other than that, you will, I'm afraid, have to use whatever connection that
is available to you. If you use a Macintosh or have access to one, then that
could be serial or AppleTalk. If you use a PC, then your only choice is
serial. In all those cases, it also probably means you would have to buy
specific cables, dongles or even Serial to USB adapters...
-- =========================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA ************************* Usual disclaimers apply ************************* -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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