From: Peter Cameron (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 22:32:42 PST
on 3/5/03 12:27 AM, John Charlton at wrote:
> The person with the dongle (heretoforth called the loaner) moves drivers
> to a card then mails this card to the person with a new Newt but no dongle
> (the loanee). Now the loaner has no drivers on his Newton - but wait! They
> have a dongle! The loaner can thus copy the needed files back to his
> Newton from the desktop. Meanwhile the loanee receives the card, moves the
> drivers to the internal store and (fingers crossed) can now connect
> through ethernet and install packages to their heart's content. Fingers
> crossed they also return the card to the loaner. Shouldn't this work?
No. A stock Newton has no support for ethernet. NIE 2 with the ethernet
extension is required. This software CANNOT be installed on a card. It MUST
be installed on the internal store. The only way this software can be moved
from one Newton to another is via a backup and since it has to go on the
internal store a restore (which wipes out what is already on the internal
store) is required.
Also, I don't believe it is possible to copy the required software to a
card since the installation does more than just drop packages on the Newton.
Changes are made to system stores that would not be transferred in a copy.
> Yes, this is a way to 'copy', as opposed to move, the drivers, but it's
> the 'restoring' part I worry about.
Restoring is required for this to work.
> Would this interfere with data on the loanee's Newt?
Yes, it all gets wiped.
> It's a little more effort for the loaner, but moving the
> packages to the card seems more straight-forward.
Moving the packages doesn't work though.
> I'd send you a card myself David-Michael, but all I have is my 32 and 20
> backup. Anyone got a small card to try this with?
As I mentioned, I've done this for a list member before with a 2MB card,
but the person getting the card has to understand they will lose everything
on their Newton in the process of getting ethernet ability.
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