From: Michael Sciascia (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 05:43:30 PST
On Friday, Mar 7, 2003, at 12:39 Europe/Rome, Robert Benschop wrote:
> on 07-03-2003 12:15, Michael Sciascia at wrote:
>> The installer doesn't work and the copy I took form my Performa gives
>> me always an Apple Talk problem, as some extensions are missing.
> That should be the 'AppleTalk ADSP Tool' and, if I'm not completely
> off my
> rocker, the only one I installed as well.
I found the extension in the Performa System folder and copied to the
Titanium... and now, after a couple of attempts, NCU works :-)
Thanks for the help!!!
I realized that this extension was mentioned also in other mail about
NCU issues, but then I didn't think to simply copy it to the extensions
folder :o!
Now I would disturb you with another question...
I tried to copy a newtonWorks document to the Titanium with NCU, but I
get another error about a missing extension.
It says the "Claris NTDP" extension is missing.
I looked for it in the NewtonWorks files I have on my computer and in
the unna website, but couldn't find it...
Can anyone tell me where I can find it or get over this problem?
Do I need Claris Works to transfer this files to my computer?
Thanks again for all your support and sorry for the stupid questions.
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