Re: [NTLK] Easiest to swap: memory or touchscreen?

From: Peter Cameron (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 08:04:54 PST

on 3/7/03 10:48 AM, Laurent Daudelin at
> So, for the hardware experts out here, which one would be the easiest to
> transplant? The memory or the screen?
    Not speaking as an expert (I've only pulled 2x00 machines apart far
enough to install SER-001s), I'd guess swapping the 2100 motherboard into
the 2000 would be the easiest route. Moving the screen to the 2100 case
would entail a complete disassembly, whereas the motherboard swap to the
2000 would entail a fair amount of disassembly, but not quite as much.


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