From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 06:30:02 PST
Some of you might remember a while ago that DashBoard was slowing down my
Newton badly. Well, a few weeks ago I figured out the problem. The
userConfiguration entry in my system soup was 50+K in size - huge. I found an
entry in it that was a 20+K array of data generated by my Proxim RangeLAN2
driver. Upon deleting it, not only did I free 20K of heap but the system also
got much faster. I re-installed DashBoard and it is now nice and snappy, just
as I've seen it on other people's machines. The moral of the story is keep
your system soup clean! I hope to start a blog soon that will describe some
of the ways to clean up your Newton's storage.
-- Victor Rehorst - - NewtonTalk list administrator - Will the last person to leave the platform please turn off the backlight? -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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