From: David Orriss Jr (
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 17:57:49 PST
On Monday 10 March 2003 06:02, Rolf Brakvatne wrote:
> I have come into the possession of a Handspring Visor (This thing is NO
> Newton!!!). Does anyone know how to brainwipe this thing. All data on
> it is 'tagged' with the previous owner's name.
> RB
> PS if this is an example of the Palm experience......Newt forever
Hold down the On button while pressing the reset button in back. Release=
reset button and then the on button. You should be prompted with a messa=
asking if you want to erase the unit or not.
And you're right.. it's no newton...
David Orriss Jr
ICQ/AIM/MSN Id's available upon request
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