From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 22:39:52 PST
on 12/03/03 00:31, Nancy Haitz at wrote:
>>>> Frank Gruendel wrote:
>>>> I am pleased to announce NewtTest.
>>> Nancy Haitz wrote:
>>> NewtTest sounds great. When I tried to download it I just got a
>>> browser page full of raw code. What am I doing wrong?
>> Laurent Daudelin wrote:
>> That's probably because the web server doesn't tell the browser what
>> kind of
>> file this is and the browser can't determine it by itself. Instead of
>> clicking on the link, try right (if you have a 2 buttons mouse) or
>> control-click the link, then select the option to save the link to
>> disk from
>> the popup menu that should appear.
> Thanks Laurent.
> I am working from a "no mouse" laptop, but the control-click worked. I
> seem to have the "page full of code" problem a lot with Newton Package
> downloads, especially when using OmniWeb browser.
That's because your browser is not configured properly. Each browser has a
file "helper" or sometimes it is called "MIME types". You have to set the
extension of the file and sometimes the MIME type that the web browser will
declare, if it is configured to declare it. Then, you can associate this
file to a file type and creator on your Macintosh.
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin <> Logiciels Nemesys Software fiber-seeking backhoe: [common among backbone ISP personnel] Any of a genus of large, disruptive machines which routinely cut critical backbone links, creating Internet outages and packet over air problems. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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