Re: [NTLK] 32MB cards back ups!

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 22:11:00 PST

Sorry, I gave up on backups on Windows, seems like any changes to the Newts
built-in apps. chokes the backup. Although on Mac OS 9 I never have any
problems thru Newton Backup Express(switch to Mac?).
Since I'm Newton-centric, I use a 6 MB. for internal backups and SBM
Utilities for card-to-card backups, this way without a desktop/laptop I can
restore a recent 30 MB. card backup from another 32 MB. card. I also have
an ATA-card used to store a #2 backup.
>my 2100
>with a belkin usb/serial cable with no issues with a Dell pentium 3
>laptop running at 400mhz, but for the first backup ever it goes on its
>merry way then gets disconnected when it tried to back up "other"
>files. Any help would be appreciated and I am on the digest mode also
>so response can be a while.
>Robert M. Serna

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