Re: [NTLK] WiFi for Newt and PB

From: Ben Klang (
Date: Fri Mar 14 2003 - 19:23:18 PST

If its the same as the PC world (and it should be because I use an
Orinoco Silver) the Gold firmware includes support for 128-bit WEP (as
opposed to 40/56-bit WEP). Now, don't feel like you have to rush out to
get it just for that feature as its somewhat like upgrading from a
doorknob lock to a deadbolt - if someone wants in, they'll get in.
I've had friends who 'upgraded' their silvers to gold via a firmware
flash update. I assume its a similar process for you Macintypes.


On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 21:24, Mick Ring wrote:
> on 3/14/03 17:12, Will Ross at wrote:
> > I have a Lucent Wavelan Silver Turbo that works great especially when
> > updated with the apple airport drivers to a gold. It works in my
> > Wallstreet in 9 and on my 2100 as an Orinoco.Plus, the wavelan cards
> > are cheaper on ebay.
> How does one update the card to a Gold? What is the advantage?
> -Mick
> --
> Sigs with a message suck!

Ben Klang <>
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