From: Michael D'Haem (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 07:55:37 PST
Managed to resolve my issue with nBlog. Discovered that the post function worked. Further found that if the "Always Publish" option is checked, nBlog will post and publish to a Movable type blog. However, the Publish function does not work. The problem is that Movable type does not have a "publish" method. It does have a "publishPost" method. I created a "publish" method. However, it failed. Seems like it needs an entity id which I did not provide.
So ... to use nBlog with Movable type, uncheck the "Always Publish" option to post and check it to post and publish.
In case anyone is wondering, I did upgrade Movable type from 2.51 to 2.63
On Saturday, March 15, 2003, at 03:19PM, Michael E. D'Haem <> wrote:
>Have managed to get nBlog working. However, when I tap Publish an error
>message is returned. This message states:
>"Error: Client
>Failed to locate method(publish) in class (blogger) at
>/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/SOAP/ line 2195."
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